On the central and majestic Paseo de la Isla you can find the palace of the same name, also known as Muguiro’s Palace since Don Juan de Muguiro was the man who, in 1883, commissioned Daniel Zavara to build it. It is a building with a nineteenth-century air, with an eclectic style and some neo-Gothic features.

While it belonged to the Muguiro family, distinguished figures of Spanish history stayed there, including Queen Maria Crisitina and her son, Alfonso XIII. Subsequently, during the Civil War, it served as a residence of General Francisco Franco. After the war, Maria Francisca Muguiro sold it to the City Council and Provincial Council, institutions who, in 1964, transferred it to National Heritage. In 1943, it was declared a National Monument. In 1982, and since then, various official receptions and cultural events have taken place there.

Nowadays it is the headquarters of the “Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua” (Castile and Leon Institute of Language), and in it they carry out various activities, exhibitions and courses.

To find out more about the history of this palace: http://palaciodelaisla.es/ 

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