Image Rutas Teatralizadas 2024

Rutas Teatralizadas 2024

Las rutas teatralizadas en la ciudad vuelven a dar vida a las calles y monumentos de Burgos. Este año desde el mes de julio al mes de diciembre se...

Image Las aventuras del General Centeno. Juego de escape.

Las aventuras del General Centeno. Juego de escape.

Desde la Concejalía de Festejos se presenta una nueva alternativa de ocio juvenil y familiar que convierte la ciudad en un terreno de juego al aire...

Image Tren Turístico

Tren Turístico

Horario Compra de tickets en el tren. Punto de salida: c/ Asunción de Nuestra Señora. Burgos  

Image Rodri y el Cid

Rodri y el Cid

Descubre los pasos del Cid en la ciudad con el folleto «Rodri y el Cid».


Marco Topo

On this adventure, Marco Topo disguises as “El Cid Campeador”, the most famous character in the history of Burgos. He shows you some of the wonders...

Image House of the Gigantillos

House of the Gigantillos

Halfway between the Cathedral and the Human Evolution Museum, inside the Teatro Principal (theatre), we find the house of the “Gigantillos”, some...

Image Castle and Parque de Cuerdas

Castle and Parque de Cuerdas

The visit to the castle and its surroundings doesn’t just mean a trip to the origins of the city but a first-rate cultural experience. It goes from...

Image Musée de l’Évolution Humaine

Musée de l’Évolution Humaine

The Human Evolution Museum, besides being a place of reference in terms of human evolution, is aimed at all audiences who want to know more about...

Image Burgos and el Cid

Burgos and el Cid

The historical figure of El Cid was born around 1048 in the nearby village of Vivar. During his youth, he forged a friendship with the future King...


Yacimientos de Atapuerca y CAREX

At a mere 15 kms of the city of Burgos lies the Archaeological Site of Atapuerca. This archaeological treasure has shed new light on our ” family...


Parque de Fuentes Blancas

Parque de Fuentes Blancas is located on the east side of the city, on the bank of the river Arlanzón. It is 6 km away from the city centre, one and...


Parque de la Isla

Of the many and varied green spaces in the city, Paseo de la Isla is one of the most important parks because of its variety of botanical species...