Image Festival of San Lesmes

Festival of San Lesmes

San Lesmes is, along with Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the patron saint of the city. The celebration takes place on the last Sunday in January.

Image Fiesta de Carnaval

Fiesta de Carnaval

Las primeras noticias del Carnaval en Burgos nos llevan a la segunda mitad del siglo XVI donde los tres días de Carnestolendas o antruejo eran el...

Image Marzas


Durante la última noche de febrero y primera de marzo tienen lugar las coplas conocidas con el nombre de “marzas”, unos cantos populares petitorios...

Image Easter


Easter in Burgos was designated National Touristic Interest in 2013. During this celebration, 16 brotherhoods and sororities carry 22 scenes of...


Fiesta de las Flores

Every May since 2012, the city centre has been filled with thousands of flowers. Every year the main monuments of the city are decorated with...


Romería de Nuestra Señora de la Blanca

The “Romería de Nuestra Señora de la Blanca” takes place the last weekend of May. The pilgrimage leaves from the church of San Pedro de la Fuente,...

Image Noche Blanca / White Night

Noche Blanca / White Night

La Noche Blanca (white night) is a free cultural celebration which is open to everyone; it takes place in several public spaces both open and closed.

Image Festival of Curpillos

Festival of Curpillos

The origins of the tradition of the “Curpillos” in Burgos date back to the victory of King Alfonso VIII in the battle of “Las Navas de Tolosa” on...

Image Festivals of San Pedro and San Pablo

Festivals of San Pedro and San Pablo

The main festivals take place around the 29th of June, the day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. They are also known as “los sampedros” and the most...

Image Fiesta del Obispillo

Fiesta del Obispillo

Esta antigua tradición tiene su origen en la Edad Media. Cada 28 de diciembre, la Escolanía de Pueri Cantores celebra el día de los Inocentes con...