MEH – Human Evolution Museum

The original hominid fossils found in the archaeological site of la Sierra de Atapuerca are, without a doubt, the main attraction of the Museum of Human Evolution.  A visit to this Museum is a must if you want to find out the latest theories about the origin of our species. This modern museum, designed by the architect Juan Navarro Baldeweg, shows many different findings; these include the remains of the Homo antecessor, a species which is over one million years old, as well as numerous discoveries of pre-neanderthal species.

The main pieces of this permanent exhibition are: the pelvis Elvis, the skull of a pre-neanderthal known as Miguelón, the meticulous reproductions shown in the Galería de los Hominidos and the replica of Beagle in which Darwin made his expedition to the Galapagos where he developed his theory of evolution.

This modern complex has become a pivotal point for the study of the origin of mankind and human evolution.  A broad collection of the original fossils, found in the archaeological site of la sierra de Atapuerca, is on display inside of the museum.

For anyone interested in furthering their knowledge about this exciting subject, the museum offers guided visits to the archaeological Site of Atapuerca, 20 minutes from the city and to the Experimental Archaeology Centre (CAREX), where visitors will be able to have a real prehistoric experience in a Neolithic village.

Did you know..In 2000 The mountains of Atapuerca were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO due to the great importance of the discoveries in its site.

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