Green Belt

The city of Burgos surprises visitors due to the size of the natural spaces on its urban land and the large green belt surrounding it.

Compared to previous versions, the last Land Use Plan of Burgos from 2014 provides a vision of a city which is sustainable in the long term. The green belt has a special structural importance, as it is also considered one of the most important natural heritage sites of a European city. This unique biological corridor, protects the natural environment, improves air quality and develops the vegetation to open it up for recreation and leisure.

From this date, the City Council who owns and manages most of the forest areas of the belt, decided to plan and organise this entire chain of parks over the next fifteen years, through the so called General Plan for the Green Belt. This is a tool with a practical aim which enables each of the units that form it to be identified, and enables the appropriate management measures to be undertaken that allow, in the long term, this enviable landscape heritage to be maintained and improved.

For those interested, there are 13 signposted routes where you can enjoy a relaxed walk near the city. More information in the following link.

Routes thought the green belt 

Visit web 
