Of the many and varied green spaces in the city, Paseo de la Isla is one of the most important parks because of its variety of botanical species and its harmonious romantic design. Along its 800 metres the visitor will find a peaceful haven which is particularly attractive to get away from the crowded city in summer months.

This promenade, named after the islands and streams generated by the river Arlanzón, it has a magnificent collection of nearly a hundred plant species, including elderberries, cypresses, redwoods and holm oaks among others. Along the way there are some beautiful monuments such as the arches of Castilfalé, in a Renaissance style; a fountain from the Monastery of San Pedro de Arlanza, a bust of Miguel de Cervantes and a beautiful fountain with a pond.

In this natural space there is also a children’s play area inspired by some elements of the city such as the “Papamoscas” and “El Cid”.